The environment
To assist residents in preserving the environment of Northwood Hills and campaign on local issues e.g. planning and developments, anti-social behaviour etc..

To promote a sense of community and belonging, organising and providing information on events and other activities with the provision of details via social media, the website and Hills Echo magazine.

Voicing Opinion
To act as a conduit for residents into organisations that represent them (eg councillors, police, doctors' surgeries, schools) and to have good relations with them so that useful dialogue/advice can take place/be given.
Who We Are
A Message From Our Chairman
Watch this video to find out how Andrew Riley became the chairman of the association.
Kindly produced by Torin Goswell and Joe Stephenson as part of their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award with the 1st Northwood Explorer Scouts.
Andrew Riley
Chairman of the NHRA
A map of our ward