About Us
This page outlines what the NHRA does, our committee members & our constitution.
What is the NHRA?
The Northwood Hills Residents Association Committee is elected at the A.G.M. held annually to work for the benefit of the community within the ward of Northwood Hills. The Association held its inaugural meeting in 1949 and the committee comprises of Officers and committee members.
Road Stewards are also invited to attend the monthly meetings to present ideas and comments from members. We act as an interface between us the residents and the council. Everyone within the association carries out their tasks voluntarily.
Local issues that are discussed and acted upon vary but include health care, traffic problems, planning issues, crime, public transport, roads and parking etc. Ward Councillors and representatives from the police also attend these meetings.
The Road Stewards are responsible for delivering the bi annual publication "The Echo" to homes within their designated area and collecting the annual £3 membership fee. There is no set quota of homes that each steward covers; it is entirely up to them. At present we have about 50 Road Stewards, many of whom are also committee members.
We hold an annual Road Stewards Gathering at the beginning of the year to thank the Road Stewards for their hard work. The evening is an enjoyable occasion and an opportunity to meet and discuss relevant issues. Committee members provide catering.
The Committee comprises of officers and other committee members and generally meets from 19:30 to 21:30 on the 4 Wednesday of every month at Fairfield Church Hall. The current committee structure comprises of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer and Lead members responsible for Environment, Health and Transport. Our local councillors also attend and take back concerns or brief us on what they are aware of.
Members of The Residents Association are the people that reside or work in the Ward of Northwood Hills. Members of the association are welcome to pass on any concerns to their Road Steward who can raise the issue at monthly meetings.
We hold an Annual General Meeting usually about May. New committee members are voted in and we invite a guest speaker to talk and answer questions about local issues. In recent years, our guest speakers have included, Richard Barnes, Deputy Mayor of London; Air Vice-Marshall Stuart Atha; Bruce Houlder, Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Hillingdon; Dr Ian Goodman, Chairman of Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group and Chief Superintendent Nick Downing, Hillingdon Borough Police Commander. All members of the Association are invited to come along to the A.G.M. and raise their concerns.
The Northwood Hills Residents Association Committee
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
The Northwood Hills Residents Association Constitution